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HomeHosting ArticlesHow Virtual Private Servers Operate

How Virtual Private Servers Operate

These days it has become quite simple to establish a site by yourself with all the free-of-charge design templates that are available on the web together with free software applications that are good even for beginners. Hence, a lot of brand new sites come into existence each and every day, among them online blogs - where the author can debate on different topics that suggest themselves, and picture galleries - where users can post pictures and the stories behind them on the World Wide Web. These websites must be hosted someplace and one intelligent web hosting choice is a VPS hosting.

What is a VPS hosting?

VPS means Virtual Private Server and it functions like a dedicated web hosting server in terms of management since you get complete server root access with a possibility to reboot the virtual hosting server distantly. The VPS hosting shares system resources with other virtual web servers that are hosted on the very same physical server. This results in a very affordable price, which is a lot lower than that of a dedicated server and is actually more related to shared hosting packages in terms of pricing.

Kinds of VPS Hosting

Just as any other web hosting type, Virtual Servers may vary based on various features, but the OS is maybe the most obvious distinction. Here we have the 2 most important varieties:

Windows VPS hosting - a VPS web hosting platform running Windows that will allow software applications which require Windows to perform unproblematically to be installed on the private virtual web server.

Linux VPS hosting - a VPS web server hosting platform running Linux is the more widely used variety that you can encounter on the World Wide Web because it is cheaper to construct and administer and hence it is more sought after.

VPS servers are also very popular with resellers and you can find 2 modes of reselling a VPS:

VPS hosting reseller - the reseller buys a VPS web server and begins offering shared web hosting packages that are hosted on the virtual private web hosting server. It is akin to the conventional reseller hosting plans, but here the reseller is given root-level access and can modify the web server's configuration.

VPS hosting reseller - the reseller actually purchases entire VPS hosting packages to sell them to the clients instead of offering shared web hosting plans on one single virtual private web hosting server. It is considered more profitable but also calls for more introductory payments to buy the Virtual Private Server.

Just like any other web hosting variety, VPS hosting plans often entail a LAMP software platform. LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP and determines 3 more private virtual server hosting varieties:

VPS hosting with the Apache web server software - the Apache web server is very popular and was the first to exceed the 100 000 000 website benchmark back in 2009, so it is naturally popular with virtual web servers as well.

VPS hosting with MySQL - MySQL is also a famous database management system utilized with a lot of web apps and hence regularly requested on a VPS web server.

VPS hosting with PHP - PHP is a scripting language designed for web development, so it is popular with various web hosting solutions, including virtual server web hosting ones.